Saturday, October 30, 2021

bermuda triangle

What is the Bermuda triangle? The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the western North Atlantic Ocean bounded by Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. Hundreds of planes and ships have gone missing in this impossible to map area with its perplexing winds and currents. Why is it here? Is it man-made or natural? What's happening to our planes and ships that go into the area, never to be seen again?

The Bermuda Triangle is also known as "The Devil's Triangle" or "The Devil's Sea". It has been the subject of several books, movies, and television programs. The Bermuda Triangle is considered to be an imaginary location in the Atlantic Ocean. Some of these boats were found in the Atlantic Ocean, while others were never recovered. Although this may be true, there are some who believe that the Bermuda Triangle is real. There have been many theories regarding what happened to the many ships that have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle has been a subject of intense interest since the 1930s, and as such there are many theories about what happened to the people who disappeared in the area. The most commonly accepted theory is that it was a natural phenomenon, but that theory is not 100% supported by any hard evidence.

bermuda triangle

The most likely explanation is that some kind of natural disaster occurred, and the people were swept out to sea. However, no one knows exactly what happened to them. The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical area of ocean in the North Atlantic Ocean where hundreds of ships and planes have disappeared without a trace. Additionally, the Bermuda Triangle is the location of the mysterious disappearance of Flight 19, a flight of five U.S. Navy training planes that disappeared without a trace on December 5, 1945. Another theory suggests that the people were murdered by aliens or lost in time and space. The Vikings were known to sail around the area for centuries, and there are stories about them encountering strange creatures in the waters around Bermuda. However, there is no evidence to support this theory.

Find out more about this mysterious zone below. The area has an area of approximately 500,000 square miles (1,300,000 km²) and is located west of Florida and the Bahamas. It's an area 1,500 miles (2400 km) across. It begins around the Miami Trench off the coast of Florida; to the west lies the Bahamas; to the north lies Bermuda, and to the south lies Cuba. Several explanations have been given for its formation including natural causes like water turbulence, strong tidal forces due to local sea current variations (the Gulf Stream) having different temperatures at different depths increasing turbulence in surface waters;

There are many explanations for how it came into being. One of the most popular tales is that it was formed by a megalithic civilization that constructed vast rings of pyramids in the sea surrounding the Bermuda area. They supposedly did so in order to harness energy from strong currents in this area. This hypothesis is part of the Atlantis story, which is based on Egyptian mythology. This "Atlantis" story has it that when Atlantis was destroyed, its capital city sank into the Atlantic Ocean and formed this curious geographical anomaly called "The Bermuda Triangle". It seems this mythical capital was located somewhere in the Americas. The city itself is often called "Mawat". According to the story, it was destroyed by a violent eruption of geyser undersea volcanoes (called "Titanic") that spewed huge amounts of mist and ash into the air, which then came down and covered Atlantis' capital city of "Mawat" and thus formed this Bermuda Triangle.

It has been claimed that some of these underwater pyramids were built by an ancient race of people referred to as the 'Sabians'. They supposedly created massive stone rings floating in the water around various spots around the Bermuda Triangle. Some of these rings were built with pyramids and others without any structure at all. It's claimed that they were built between 14,000 BC and 3000 BC. It turns out most of these rings are in the Atlantic Ocean, which covers most of the Bermuda Triangle. Some are positioned in Caribbean islands near where Atlantis supposedly sank.

There are many theories about why these rings were constructed, but most of them are still debated today. One particular story tells how they were constructed to harness energy from energy in the water itself. They were ancient instruments for harnessing powerful currents in the sea that would then produce electricity for sustaining human life on land. Some believe that when these rings were built, they were placed in a particular location for their purpose. If there was a storm brewing in the area, this would allow electricity to be gathered from the disturbance in the water caused by this storm and then stored in the pyramids. In time, technology advanced and all of these structures sank into the sea and became filled with water. 

Another notion is extraterrestrials 👽 came to our planet thousands of years ago. This concept is supported by the fact that the Bermuda Triangle is located above a major alien UFO base, which is what some believe is causing all this trouble in the first place. Some say these aliens are abducting people, which is why ships and planes are disappearing in odd circumstances when they enter this area.

In closing, what do you think! Are these rings real? Is there any other explanation as to why hundreds of planes and ships disappear without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle? If you think there is another explanation, please let others know by leaving a comment below. Thank you!

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